Movement Restoration Coach
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The Movement Restoration Coach is a specialisation in Injury Prevention, Recovery & Taking Away your Athlete's Pain.
Grow your business and build authority when you learn how to effectively Assess, Correct & Retrain your Clients Away from Dysfunction & Pain. Use Proven Principles, developed by the experts at FTI & Rehab Trainer to be the Bridge between Coach & Physiotherapist.
When you invest for success it's not just about the Certification. MRC has gone global for a reason. It Works. Your Success will be measured in retention, results & referrals.
You Will:
Build Real Connection with Your Athletes. More trust = more business.
Be Unique With an Expert Specialisation. Stand out from the ever-growing crowd of pretend coaches & social media influencers.
Deliver Results Your Competition Can't. As an industry leader and expert, athletes will flock to your results, because your athletes will be evidence.
Develop Relationships With Health Professionals. Refer athletes when necessary, refer to experts, who trust and refer back to you.
High Performers Never Stop Growing. A Coach is a shortcut to Success. So is Knowledge. Know more than the competition, your results will speak for themself.
See, Feel & Know the Body as an Expert. A Unique Opportunity to grow beyond just a PT, Therapist or Instructor. Have XRay Vision for Imbalances & Dysfunctions. Imagine taking away people's pain? How would THAT feel?
Each module comes with instructional tutorials from a mix of certified FTI course educators and myself, Coach Tarek.
You’re then prompted to practice what you’ve learned by yourself, a partner, or an assessment.
Each module comes with a resource list and accompanying study guides to deepen your knowledge.
You’re also tested with a quiz to complete all modules to ensure you understand the content
After completing each of the modules, you'll move onto stage 2.
Which consists of 6 detailed pre-recorded virtual presentations on each module by a certified FTI course educator.
Diving deep into the lessons of the modules in stage 1 with practical demonstrations.
The practical demonstrations by an FTI course educator will deepen your knowledge of each module when you learn from an educator's perspective.
Although the recording isn't live, you interact and practice your functional knowledge so you master the movements.
By blending stage 1 modules and stage 2 presentations with the FTI course educators guidance…
…you'll be equipped with the injury prevention knowledge which consistently gets your clients moving safely and achieving their goals.
And giving you the knowledge leading to a thriving coaching business because your clients stay with you longer and refer you to their friends.
You get a tutorial sheet which includes information and exercises designed to make the most out of the presentations.
The presentations come with accompanying study materials and resources to deepen your knowledge, and a quiz which helps you master this information.
Finally, you will complete two case studies designed to strengthen your understanding and application of what you have learned in stage 1 and 2
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